These Regulations, are the Regulations referred to in Art.
8 of the Act of July 18, 2002.
on provision of services by electronic means (Journal of Laws of 2002, No. 144, item 1204, as amended), and also regulates the terms and conditions of concluding Sales Agreements on the Site, in accordance with the content of other laws, respectively regulating this obligation.
Article 1: General Provisions
- These terms and conditions define the rules for the use of services provided by Active IT Dariusz Wtykło through the Solymare website, which allow users to post real estate advertisements.
- To access the Solymare service, users must use a device with Internet access and a commonly used web browser installed.
Article 2: Definitions
- Operator: Active IT Dariusz Wtykło company with registered office in Warsaw (02-972), ul.
Sarmacka 19/188, NIP:5631975937 operating the Solymare service, available at
- Solymare Service: an online classifieds service that allows users to post and view real estate ads.
- Announcement: Content made by a user regarding the sale, purchase, rental or lease of real estate.
- User: An individual or legal entity that uses the Solymare service and has an account on this site.
- Account: An account assigned to a user that allows the user to use certain features of the service.
- Regulations: This document.
- Price list: List of fees for services provided by Solymare.
Article 3: General Terms of Use
- The advertisement should be clear, accurate and reliable, not misleading about the legal and technical condition of the property and its parameters.
- The ads are available to all Internet users, and a contact form is included.
- Each ad is for one property only.
- It is unacceptable to publish content that is offensive or violates good morals.
- It is unacceptable to include in the title and description of the ad and in the published content any contact information, including phone numbers, website addresses, links to social media except in places directly intended for this and with the consent of the operator.
Failure to comply with the regulations may result in moderation or non-publication of content.
All non-compliant content is removed, and the approval time for content publication may be significantly extended.
- The duration of the ad issue depends on the offer in the Price List.
- The user is fully responsible for the content of advertisements, content published by him and ensures that they comply with the law and do not violate the rights of third parties.
- The operator may take measures to promote advertisements in other media.
- The operator protects user data in accordance with the privacy policy.
- The materials available on the pages of the Solymare website are protected by copyright.
- The use of materials available on Solymare requires the consent of the operator.
- Offer publication packages cannot be combined with each other.
If you change the package, unused ad publications from the active package will be lost, and the current package will be overwritten with the new package.
An active package can always be used until the end of its validity, and then a new package can be purchased.
Article 4: Creating an account
- Posting an ad requires the creation of an account, which is done when the ad is first posted.
- The creation of an account implies the conclusion of a contract between the user and the operator.
- The creation of an account by legal entities can only be done by an authorized person.
- The account is accessed by logging in.
- By creating an account, you consent to the processing of your personal data by the operator.
Article 5: Payment terms
- The costs associated with the use of the Solymare service are determined by the Price List.
- The fee for posting an ad is charged in advance.
- All prices presented on the Website are gross prices, expressed in Polish zloty, including value added tax (VAT), as defined by separate regulations.
The Website provides for the following types of payment:
a) Online payment via Dotpay
b) Bank transfer
c) PayPal
- The user makes the order according to the prices in effect at the time of placing the order.
- The Operator reserves the right to change the Price List.
This provision does not apply to
orders already in progress.
Article 6: Complaint Procedure
All complaints related to the provision of services through the Service and questions about the use of the Service should be submitted to the e-mail address:
A properly filed complaint should, at a minimum, include the Client’s designation (name, surname, residential address, e-mail address, contact telephone number), description of the fact or service complained about.
If the data or information provided in the complaint needs to be supplemented, the Operator shall, before considering the complaint, ask the complainant to supplement it.
The time of providing additional explanations by the Service extends the period of consideration of the complaint.
In the case of contracts concluded with Consumers, the Service shall be liable to the Consumer under the principles set forth in Art.
556 et seq. of the Civil Code for physical or legal defects (warranty).
The Service shall respond to the Consumer’s request within 14 (fourteen) days.
Otherwise, the Seller shall be deemed to have recognized the Consumer’s statement or request as legitimate.
If the Customer, who is a Consumer, has requested a replacement of the service or has made a statement on price reduction, specifying the amount by which the price is to be reduced, and the Service has not responded to this request within fourteen days, it is considered that the Service has recognized the request as justified.
In the case of contracts concluded with Customers who are not also consumers, pursuant to Art.
558 § 1 of the Civil Code, the Service’s liability under warranty is excluded.
Article 7: Withdrawal, termination of use
A consumer, pursuant to Art.
27 of the Consumer Rights Act, who has entered into a remote agreement, may withdraw from it without giving a reason and without incurring costs, except for the costs specified in Art.
33, 34 and 35 of the Consumer Rights Act, by making a statement to that effect in writing within fourteen days from the date of delivery of the subject of the agreement to him.
To meet this deadline it is sufficient to send the statement before its expiration.
The statement can be sent electronically or to the delivery address.
The statement may be submitted on the form in accordance with the template below.
The User may cancel the use of the Website at any time.
The Seller reserves the right to suspend, at any time and for any reason, the activity of the Website, as well as the right to modify or terminate the provision of Services through it.
Addressee (Solymare Service):
I hereby give notice of withdrawal from the contract, the subject of which are: …………….
Order number: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Date of conclusion of the contract: ………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Name and surname of the consumer: ………………………………………………………………………………………….
Address of the consumer: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Please withdraw from
……………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………….
Date Signature
Article 8: Final Provisions
- These terms and conditions enter into force on the date of their publication on the Solymare website.
- The Operator reserves the right to change and update the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy at any time.
- Amendments to the regulations shall come into force on the date of their publication on the Solymare website.
- You may terminate the Solymare contract at any time by deleting your account.
- In matters not covered by these regulations, the provisions of Polish law shall apply.
- Disputes arising from the contract between the user and the operator will be resolved by a court with jurisdiction over the operator’s headquarters.
Signed: Active IT Dariusz Wtykło, ul.
Sarmacka 19/188, 02-972 Warsaw